01258 881112  or  07900 431701

Garden Design Services

Conceptual Design Service

This option includes a visit to discuss your brief and to carry out a site survey for measurements and levels.

I then draw out the site as an outline plan and start working on some ideas. These ideas will be transformed into two concepts for discussion and a final drawing of the garden design.

The final concept will come with guidance notes for yourselves or your landscaper.

I can advise you on materials and how to work within a budget.

The cost of this service is £395 inc for standard gardens and from £495 for more complicated or larger sites.

Garden Design Coaching Sessions

Alternatively I run ‘one to one’ coaching sessions in your garden, which allows you the chance to design your garden with my guidance.

There are 4 coaching sessions on site that cover:

  1. Measuring your own garden and transferring the results onto graph paper as an outline plot.
  2. Guidance on placing ideas onto tracing paper as overlays to the outline plot.
  3. Advice on converting these ideas into a concept and discussing material choices and costs.
  4. Preparation of the final hard landscape design ready for your own build project or presentation to landscaping companies for estimations.

You will be provided with all the drawing equipment you need.

The cost of this service is £594 inc for standard gardens and £696 inc for more complicated or larger sites.

Additional Options:

Hard Landscaping Consultation

To be available for on site consultation with yourself or the landscapers to ensure the design concepts are translated from the drawings at the build stage.

Soft Planting Plan Service

A plant design meeting is held to understand the style and colour of planting scheme you require, with soil samples taken for analysis at this stage. Then a mood board is provided to agree the look and feel of the planting and a planting plan produced to complement your conceptual design. Included in this service is a planting list detailing each plant, volumes required and an image, as well as a maintenance guide on how to establish and look after your plants.

The cost of this service is from £185 inc. based on existing drawings.

Planting Plan Coaching Sessions

Learn how to produce your own planting plan to inject colour, texture and form into your garden. You will be taught the site analysis and design techniques to select the right planting for your design and situation.

You will be provided with a soil testing kit and a colour wheel.

The cost of this service is £250 inc.

Call Greg Whale on 01258 881112 / 07900 431701 or email  gdsltdco@yahoo.co.uk to arrange a site visit.